15 Vintage Alice in Wonderland Book Covers and Illustrations

“But I don’t want to go among mad people,” Alice remarked.

“Oh, you can’t help that,” said the Cat: “We’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.”

“How do you know I’m mad?” said Alice.

“You must be,” said the Cat, “or you wouldn’t have come here.”

– Lewis Carroll, The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland

Original Alice in Wonderland Book Covers

These illustrations from vintage editions of The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland are gorgeous.

Did you know that Lewis Carroll was inspired by a real-life Alice? He first told Alice Liddell and her sisters the story of Alice in Wonderland on a boating trip. Soon after, he spent many months writing and illustrating the short book. He presented it to Alice in 1864, and it was originally titled Alice’s Adventures Under Ground.

Which one is your favorite?

Alice in Wonderland Book Cover: 1897

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (Illustrator: Tenniel, 1865) cover [Public Domain]

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Illustrator: Tenniel, 1865) cover [Public Domain] by the Toronto Public Library, via Flickr

Alice in Wonderland Book Cover: 1898

Alice in Wonderland book cover (1898)

Original Alice in Wonderland book cover (1898) [Public Domain] by Copygir1, via Wikimedia Commons

Alice in Wonderland Book Covers: 1907

Alice in Wonderland book cover (1907), illustrated by Charles Robinson

Alice in Wonderland book cover (1907), illustrated by Charles Robinson [Public Domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (Illustrator: Rackham, 1907) cover

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Illustrator: Rackham, 1907) cover [Public Domain] by the Toronto Public Library, via Flickr

Alice in Wonderland Book Cover: 1908

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (Illustrator: Rountree: 1908) cover

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Illustrator: Rountree: 1908) cover [Public Domain] by the Toronto Public Library, via Flickr

Alice in Wonderland Book Cover: 1910 (?)

Alice in Wonderland (Illustrator: Attwell, 1910?) cover

Alice in Wonderland (Illustrator: Attwell, 1910?) cover [Public Domain] by the Toronto Public Library, via Flickr

Alice in Wonderland Book Cover: 1916

Alice in Wonderland (Illustrator: Tarrant, 1916) cover

Alice in Wonderland (Illustrator: Tarrant, 1916) cover [Public Domain] by the Toronto Public Library, via Flickr

Alice in Wonderland Book Cover: 1922 (?)

Alice in Wonderland (Illustrator: Hudson, 1922?) Cover

Alice in Wonderland (Illustrator: Hudson, 1922?) Cover [Public Domain] by the Toronto Public Library, via Flickr

Alice in Wonderland Original Book Illustrations

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (Illustrator: Rountree, 1908) Alice encounters a mouse

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Illustrator: Rountree, 1908) Alice encounters a mouse [Public Domain] by the Toronto Public Library, via Flickr

Alice in Wonderland illustration: An ongoing dispute between the executioner, the King, and the Queen (Charles Robinson, 1907)

An ongoing dispute between the executioner, the King, and the Queen (Charles Robinson, 1907) [Public Domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Alice in Wonderland illustration by Arthur Rackham

Alice in Wonderland illustration by Arthur Rackham (1907) [Public Domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Alice in Wonderland book illustration by Charles Robinson (1907)

Alice in Wonderland book illustration by Charles Robinson (1907) [Public Domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Alice With a Flamingo Illustration by John Tenniel (1865) [Public domain]

Alice With a Flamingo Illustration by John Tenniel (1865) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Alice in Wonderland (Illustrator: Winter, 1924) Mad Tea Party

Alice in Wonderland (Illustrator: Winter, 1924) Mad Tea Party [Public Domain] by the Toronto Public Library, via Flickr

Alice in Wonderland (Illustrator: Hudson, 1922?) Croquet with the Duchess

Alice in Wonderland (Illustrator: Hudson, 1922?) Croquet with the Duchess [Public Domain] by the Toronto Public Library, via Flickr

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1 Comment on "15 Vintage Alice in Wonderland Book Covers and Illustrations"

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Rebecca Cobb

Could you possibly tell me what edition and year I have? I can’t find it anywhere when I search online, but I know it’s old.

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