NEW! Phantom of the Opera Book Poster
Our newest product is a partial-text 18″x24″ poster of the French novel, The Phantom of the Opera.

This 18″x24″ Phantom of the Opera book poster features up to the last chapter, Chapter 26, of the novel by Gaston Leroux. The text is 100% legible in a crisp 2.6 Helvetica font.
Originally published in France as Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, The Phantom of the Opera follows Erik, the mysterious “ghost” of the Paris Opera, and his musical ingénue and romantic obsession, Christine. Throughout the novel, Christine harbors feelings of both sympathy and revulsion toward her teacher and captor, whose grasp she narrowly escapes in the end. Made famous by several Broadway, film and musical adaptations, The Phantom of the Opera is beloved for its themes of theatricality, tragic love and illusion.
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