NEW! Black Beauty Book Poster
We are excited to announce the newest product by Books on the Wall, an 18″ x 24″ Black Beauty book poster.

This 18″x24″ Black Beauty book poster features the full text of the novel. The text is 100% legible in a crisp 2.8 Helvetica font.
Written by English author Anna Sewell, Black Beauty was published in 1877. The novel was an immediate success with critics and audiences and to date, it has sold over 50 million copies. Though Sewell wrote the novel for people of all ages, Black Beauty has become an especially popular children and young adult’s novel. Narrated in first person by the horse Black Beauty, the novel follows the horse through changes in owner and circumstance, both kind and cruel. The novel has been credited with opening its audience’s eyes to the importance of treating animals with dignity and respect.
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