Margaret Atwood Quote: Moral Disorder [Quote Graphic]
It’s Words Wednesday! Let’s celebrate the written word with a nice quote from Canadian author Margaret Atwood.

Today’s Margaret Atwood quote comes from Moral Disorder, a book of connected short stories.
Moral Disorder by Margaret Atwood
Published in 2006, Moral Disorder explores the lives and troubles of a Canadian family over six decades, especially the couple Nell and Tig. Most of the 11 short stories likely focus on Nell; seven are narrated as “I” and four are written from the third-person perspective of Nell. Although most readers assume that every story tells about Nell, the identity of characters isn’t often explicitly stated.
The last two stories have been interpreted as autobiographical in nature, telling the story of Atwood caring for her own elderly parents. Arguably, though, the stories could very well be about Nell and Tig.
Margaret Atwood is perhaps the most famous living Canadian author today. Her works have been shortlisted for the Man Booker prize five times, and she won once for her novel The Blind Assassin.
Learn more about Margaret Atwood’s process in her own words:
Margaret Atwood quote
For those who haven’t yet read Moral Disorder, here’s some more context for this quote:
“All that anxiety and anger, those dubious good intentions, those tangled lives, that blood. I can tell about it or I can bury it. In the end, we’ll all become stories. Or else we’ll become entities. Maybe it’s the same.”
-Margaret Atwood, Moral Disorder
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