Celeste Ng: Everything I Never Told You Quote [Quote Graphic]

Celeste Ng Quote from Everything I Never Told You

This quote comes from Celeste Ng’s recent novel, Everything I Never Told You. Though the plot primarily focuses on what happened to a missing teenage girl named Lydia, the story really deals with themes of family, culture, and identity (and especially how these three aspects of life interact). The novel explores the sometimes tragic distance between what we say and what we mean and who we are and who others think we are. We just finished the novel and would definitely recommend it as a quick but deeply affecting read.

He can guess, but he won’t ever know, not really. What it was like, what she was thinking, everything she’d never told him. Whether she thought he’d failed her, or whether she wanted him to let her go. This, more than anything, makes him feel that she is gone.

– Celeste Ng, Everything I Never Told You

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